Tuesday 1 November 2016

First Tuesday of the month Skype call..

I thought I would just write a quick blog post after coming off of Skype with Paula.

I feel like maybe I've been looking at this all wrong. Ok, well maybe not ALL wrong, but definitely not from the perspective that I should have been. As my interest and questions are all focused around physiotherapy within a dance company I have managed to pigeon hole my mind set into thinking like a physiotherapist, and not as a professional dancer, which is what I am. I had become so fixated on almost a scientific/medical approach to my questions that it was only when Paula opened my eyes to a different approach that I started to understand properly the angle that I need to look at my questions.

This inquiry is about "learning research". Learning, that's where I think I started to look at this wrong. In my everyday life, if someone approaches me with a question, I like to have an answer but in this instance I'm not supposed to have an answer yet. The inquiry and research IS the learning. Maybe some of you are reading this thinking "well.. obviously" but honestly it has only properly sunk in to my brain now. I have been trying so hard to think of these questions and research like I am already a professional physiotherapist which isn't right and is actually hindering my learning on this BAPP course.

It was only when I gave an example to Paula of how a specific physiotherapy situation within my dance company effected me, that I realized how I should be approaching my research and questions.

I think that I'm on the right lines and am excited to continue with my work but I just wanted to put my thoughts on paper for myself and also, so that maybe if someone else is reading this who is in the same situation, that they have the same mini epiphany that I did.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lawrence - it was great to have the opportunity to talk - that perspective while doing research - what is embedded into the questions - is tricky and one that takes a bit of time for everyone - yes that is also the new learning because you are leaning how to frame and investigate/research aspects about your experience as a dance professional.
